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Questions about apex2

youngtaek 于 2021-6-7 17:42 发表 [复制链接]

I'm having a look for the new apex machine you've released.
There're a few questions related to the product.

1. Is it possible to acquire images from GMSL camera, with hardware accelerated image processing (e.g. scale, color conversion) through Gstreamer?
2. Do you have list of compatible GMSL cameras on this product?
3. What kind of can controller do you use for 3 additional can ports? Is it possible to use hardware acceptance filter for those chipsets? (2 from xavier module itself supports it)
4. Can the product endure < 5ms of power unstability? (voltage fluctuation, power outage etc)
5. Does the USB ports of the product capable of preventing reverse current from the USB devices?
6. Is it possible to install explicit GPS card in mPCIE slot, connecting antenna to card?

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共 17 个关于本帖的回复 最后回复于 2021-6-9 13:02

贺老师 游客 发表于 2021-6-7 20:56 | 显示全部楼层

1. Is it possible to acquire images from GMSL camera, with hardware accelerated image processing (e.g. scale, color conversion) through Gstreamer?
Yes, but you can't get timestamp.

2. Do you have list of compatible GMSL cameras on this product?
Yes, see the link below, we will have an OTA this week to support around another 10 kind of cameras. And we will update the English version soon.
https://doc.miivii.com/pages/vie ... 8%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95

3. What kind of can controller do you use for 3 additional can ports? Is it possible to use hardware acceptance filter for those chipsets? (2 from xavier module itself supports it)
I suppose so, but need confirmation from our engineer, will come back to you tomorrow.

4. Can the product endure < 5ms of power unstability? (voltage fluctuation, power outage etc)
Yes, we support 10ms.

5. Does the USB ports of the product capable of preventing reverse current from the USB devices?

6. Is it possible to install explicit GPS card in mPCIE slot, connecting antenna to card?
Yes, our miniPCIE slot is standard, as long as you have GPS driver, it will work.
贺老师 游客 发表于 2021-6-7 21:23 | 显示全部楼层
3. What kind of can controller do you use for 3 additional can ports? Is it possible to use hardware acceptance filter for those chipsets? (2 from xavier module itself supports it)

We are using MCP2517/MCP2518 of Microchip.
youngtaek 会员 发表于 2021-6-8 12:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 youngtaek 于 2021-6-8 12:44 编辑
贺老师 发表于 2021-6-7 20:56

1. Is it possible to acquire images from GMSL camera, with hardware accelerated image processin ...

thanks for reply.

About question 1, is there any python version of sdk as well?
About question 6, I was asking if the antenna is possible to be connected to the mpcie card, which has ipex connector
贺老师 游客 发表于 2021-6-8 13:22 | 显示全部楼层

About question 1, is there any python version of sdk as well?
We haven't provide python sdk yet.
But we provide pure opencv based example, so you can also use opencv python.
Usually python will cause performance issue.
But since we suport gstreamer usage, you can use deepstream to handle it, and use python sample app.
https://docs.nvidia.com/metropol ... on_Sample_Apps.html

About question 6, I was asking if the antenna is possible to be connected to the mpcie card, which has ipex connector
Yes, you can.
The antenna connector is same as normal Wifi/4G, which is ipex connect.
youngtaek 会员 发表于 2021-6-8 14:01 | 显示全部楼层
贺老师 发表于 2021-6-7 21:23
3. What kind of can controller do you use for 3 additional can ports? Is it possible to use hardware ...

Have you confirmed this to engineer?
If yes, is there any sample code that enables the hardware acceptance filter?
youngtaek 会员 发表于 2021-6-8 14:03 | 显示全部楼层
贺老师 发表于 2021-6-7 20:56

1. Is it possible to acquire images from GMSL camera, with hardware accelerated image processin ...

I have another question related to GMSL camera.
Is there any way to precisely know how long it takes from image sensor to memory delay?
What's the definition of timestamp from the SDK, you mentioned?
I want to know millisecond-level precise of when the image was captured from the image sensor in the camera
贺老师 游客 发表于 2021-6-8 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
youngtaek 发表于 2021-6-8 14:03
I have another question related to GMSL camera.
Is there any way to precisely know how long it tak ...

Yes, your requirement can be achieved and tested.
We have open document about how to test and measure it.
But currently, only Chinese version available, and we will provide English version soon.

Could you use google translate to check whether it can solve your problem?
youngtaek 会员 发表于 2021-6-8 14:15 | 显示全部楼层
贺老师 发表于 2021-6-8 14:06
Yes, your requirement can be achieved and tested.
We have open document about how to test and meas ...

I'm looking at the document you mentioned,
is the number, the frame transmission delay, in the document normal?
I see the frame transmission delay over 60ms rougly, while frame interval is 33ms (probably 30hz)
I expected it to be much lower, as even using USB camera makes it < 30ms easily.

And could you check about can controller question as well?
Thank you.
贺老师 游客 发表于 2021-6-8 14:22 | 显示全部楼层
youngtaek 发表于 2021-6-8 14:15
I'm looking at the document you mentioned,
is the number, the frame transmission delay, in the doc ...

Actually, it's determined by GMSL ser-deser solution.
Per our measurement, since cameras using 96705, 720p transmission delay will reach ~67ms.
USB 3.0 is 5.8Gbps, while GMSL1 is only around 1.5Gbps.You can check it with your camera vendor. Compare with their GMSL to USB dongle is a way to test.

GMSL2 will improve it, but still determined by ser and camera resolution.
But for 1080p camera, the delay still reach 40ms+, different sightly between vendor(probably due to ISP solution difference.)

Regarding can controller, and answer and be find above.
We are using MCP2517/MCP2518 of Microchip.

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